Welcome to your App Survey

What is your age?

Which country are you from?

What is your sex?

What is your current occupation?

What was your expectations on overall performance of this app prior to its use?

What were your expectations on the effort required to learn to use the app?

What were your expectations on the effort required to learn to use the app?

How did you find out about our app?

How significant were social influences a factor in deciding to use this app?

Please rate in order of significance :

Please rate the overall quality of service of this app

Please rate the usefulness of this app

Do you think we need to include a social element in this app?

How significant would social elements be as a factor in continuing to use this app?

Please rate in order of significance:

Please choose two factors that matter to you the most:

Thank you for spending the time to give us your feedback. Your suggestions go a long way in letting us know what is important to our users and how to improve our services to offer you a better experience.